Friday, January 2, 2009

The Eagles have Landed

I had made 3 trips to Squamish to take pictures of the eagles but came out empty handed. So on New Years Day I decided to brave the snow and go to Boundary Bay. There were lots there so I was really happy about that...The weather wasn't the greatest...a cross between rain and snow...and a tad bit chilly...I went down each of the side roads that lead to the dyke and there were eagles perched on the poles along the way...the picture I took with the man on the horse and the eagles lining the side of the trail...I didn't even see how many there were until I looked through the was foggy and misty so they were well camouflaged...I was so excited that the shot worked doesn't matter how may times I see them...the majesty of an eagle always awes me...I am still in search of that perfect action shot of them though...maybe next time...Boundary Bay is just a bird watchers dream...I hope that the snowy owls will show up soon...and then...springtime!!!

A rear view...this young eagle was trying to balance on the branch in the gusts of wind. I must admit that I had some concern he was getting ready to drop a load before taking off...luckily, he just sat there.

There were plenty of the young birds...this one was hanging out on the wetlands.

yes...the bumps at the top of the poles are eagles...the man on the horse told me that there were more a couple of years ago...

I didn't speak eagle...

but I think maybe he was complaining about the weather...

couple of adults taking flight.


Anonymous said...

These pics are incredible, Jill. How lucky for you to have found so many to photograph. Incredible species, aren't they.

Bonnie said...

You got some great shots of the eagles, Jill. Curtis and I had an opportunity to see a lot of eagles in July, when we went to Prince Rupert to celebrate our anniversary. There was another photographer there who showed Curtis and I where he goes to capture some of his shots - he would toss beef fat out into the bay, and wait for the birds to come and swoop down for some action shots. It was amazing, and Curtis got some great shots, too.